Prerequisite : You can only access this function if you have Owner role.

  1. Go to the top right corner where you can see your profile name. Click on it.
  2. Click on Subscription.
  3. At the Subscription page you will see a green background section at the top right corner just above the table Subscription history.
  4. Click Add Credit. You will see this page appears.
  5. Select the amount of credit you want to purchase. Then click Topup. Follow the payment process till it completes.
  6. The updated credit balance will appear on the Subscription page.

Important Information

  1. You will only be charged if you download the Annual Return XBRL. 
  2. Your credits  will not be deducted if you download the Annual Return Form. 
  3. Your credits will not be deducted if you download multiple times of the same Annual Return XBRL.
  4. Your credits will be deducted if you create NEW Annual Return and DOWNLOAD the Annual Return XBRL.